67. Happy Imbolc

Happy Imbolc

Imbolc occurs at the midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Many Irish Neolithic passage tombs align with the rising and setting sun on this day.

The word Imbolc comes from an Irish word that was originally thought to mean “in the belly” (at a time when lambs are about to be born), although many translate it as ewe’s milk.

Imbolc is a cornerstone of the Celtic calendar, symbolizing the upcoming farming season. Rituals are performed to harness divine energy for this time of transition as the days grow longer and plants start shifting energy from their roots into developing new growth/life.

Many Celtic festivals center around fire, symbolizing the increasing power of the sun.

Light some candles, plant some seeds, plan your spring garden, soak in a long bath to clear your mind, and use this time to set intentions for the upcoming season. There is powerful energy in the air.
To help you focus during this energetic time of transition some herbs I recommend are Ashwagandha, Rosemary, Ginkgo, Lion’s Mane (mushrooms).

Our shop is closed today. We open at noon tomorrow. The energy around these transitional periods lingers for a few days, so you have time.

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